Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Was so pissed. My work pc finally decided to die yesterday. I suddenly felt like my whole world was crumbling. Thoughts of files that has not been backed up flashed through my mind. Needless to say, I lost most of the work I've done for the past one month. I pray that they will not ask me to ammend anything from the previous jobs.
But heck, it could have been worse. I could have lost MORE files if I had not done a backup a month ago. So, I should stop whining.
Lesson to be learnt here: ALWAYS do backup.

On a lighter (and more domestic) note, I baked my first cake today.
And it is supposed to be for someone's birthday. HAHA!
Lesson to be learnt here: Unless you're Jamie or Nigella, and if you are not well equipped with kitchen gadgets and a bake-smart brain, NEVER attempt to try to DIY your own cake.

I actually typed out quite a mean paragraph about an ex classmate who just got married, who is so suaku (according to LeNgLuI), who detailed each and every step of her marriage and honeymoon in her Friendster blog and photo album (she makes it sound as if the only objective in a girl's life is to get married), whom I did not like much during school days anyway, BUT, as I am on the righteous path of getting myself out of going to Hell, I shall retract my words. Bwahaha!

Half a day is gone and I have not even done a single bit of work. ARGH! I am procrastinating! It is getting harder and harder each day, trying not to succumb to that darn TV or that i-cannot-put-down book, or chatting/surfing/blogging online for that matter. Especially when projects are slow and not rushed. I am getting to be such a lazy cow!

I am going to go get a bite now, by myself. ;(

p.s Ignore my drama and misery. I am just trying to get use to working flexi hours from home.


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