Sunday, December 31, 2006

While the rest of the world is busy jollying, preparing for New Year's Eve, here I am, blogging away while I'm waiting for yet another piece of 3D to render.

Looking back at my 2006 New Year's Resolutions:

1-Achieve my financial target (i.e getting filthy rich-yea rite!)
I may be slightly less broke now, but I'm waaay off mark from being filthy rich.
Points awarded to self: 0.2/1

2-Reduce people bashing
Cannot lah. Not when you are exposed to JB drivers and TV shows like MMB and Cornetto Love Perhaps.
Points awarded to self: 0/1

3-Reduce the amount of items that I can possibly destroy.
A slight reduction, I think. Other than the toilet flush handle (which was kinda flimsy anyway), and someone's car, I think I have been pretty careful this year (or at least that's what I would like to think, I don't care!)
Points awarded to self: 0.9/1

4-Be a 3D Artist God.
Okay, I may not have reached God-like levels yet (dammit, I should set my expectations lower), but I finally managed to render an almost realistic looking 3D this morning. Yeap, on the last day of the year!
Points awarded to self: 0.6/1 (Must be modest a bit la, notchet reached God-like level)

5-Do something about my wardrobe so that clients wont see me as a kid/aunty.
Sigh. I did do something to my wardrobe, but not enough. If I were to do a whole revamp, I would not have even scored 0.2 for resolution #1.
Points awarded to self: 0.01/1

6-Learn mandarin. Good enough for me to be able to carry a decent conversation with a hawker seller without having them ask whether i'm chinese.
I can now sing TWO mandarin songs as compared to last year's ONE song. And hawkers have stopped asking me about my race.
Points awarded to self: 0.5/1

That's like 36.8%.
Damn, if I were to base my score with the normal grading in schools, I would have gotten an F.



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