Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Discovery of the day.

1-My day job is getting more interesting lately and I am actually beginning to like it.
2-There are at least five people in the country who are better than me in designing a toilet.
3-My nephew is going to be 3 years old this April.
4-The mouse is my most used item. I touch it more than anything else in my life.
5-I'm afraid of getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Oh my God.

Symptoms usually begin gradually without a specific injury. Numbness, tingling and pain in the hand are common. You may experience an electric-like shocking feeling. The thumb side of the hand is usually most involved. Symptoms at night are common and may awaken you from sleep. During the day symptoms frequently occur with holding a phone, reading or driving. Symptoms may occur at any time. Moving or shaking the hands often helps decrease symptoms. Sometimes strange feelings and pain will travel up the arm. Initially symptoms come and go, but over time they may become constant. A feeling of clumsiness or weakness can make delicate motions like buttoning buttons difficult and may cause you to drop things. If the condition is very severe, muscles in the palm may become visibly wasted.

"A feeling of clumsiness or weakness can make delicate motions like buttoning buttons difficult and may cause you to drop things. "

Now THAT explains a LOT!
Malfunctioning doorknob, half burnt kitchen, broken WAJA car keys.....

6-I am beginning to get all wrinkly under my eyes.
7-Wrinkles and eyebags do NOT look good together on a small surface.
8-Wrinkles and eyebags do NOT look good even when they are on their own.
9-It will cost me an extra RM9 for a full tank of petrol now. Eeyer.
10-I love to cook. No, I love to experiment with new dishes. I love watching Jamie Oliver. I love watching Anthony Bourdain.

Okay I shall go surf for recipes now. Poor BF.


At 8:50 AM, Blogger alvin said...

You're turning to be a housewife...creepy...

At 9:20 AM, Blogger me said...

what's wrong with being a housewife?


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