Friday, December 30, 2005
Resolution #2 is proving to be quite difficult to maintain. Especially when I'm watching Malaysia's Most Beautiful (MMB). Yes i know i shouldn't be watching so much crap, but heck, i already started watching it and i'm kinda hooked. Aiyor i'm so lauya.
But anyway, as of last night, there were 4 contestants left.
Ah heck la i'm gonna bash. It's not 2006 yet. I have 2 days left to do so.
Jessy - the ahlian who is quite funny sometimes- other times, she's just so, ditzy and a bit tak sedar diri?
Faridah- mature woman who is well, erm ...matured
Hani - nice girl next door type but a bit lembik
Jue - NOT a very good representation of a Malaysian muslim female.
Oklah, actually it's not the contestants that i am bashing about. They are what they are.
Isn't it sad that the person who will win this contest will ultimately be THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN in Malaysia?
I shudder to think that one of the four will be the most cantik one inside and outside.
For example, if Jue wins, her fans/friends/supporters will of course say that she won because of her beauty, talent, warmth etc.
But on the other hand, she's a muslim for God's sake. Sudah la tak tutup aurat, she was practically prancing around last night and shaking her booty, until my bf actually commented that she was trying to show off her boobs! That does not make her beautiful from a religious point of view. And i'm not even a muslim some more!
So how the hell do we define beauty? No one can specifically pin point and draw a guideline as to what is beautiful or not.
To think that the winner will get a condo, jewellery and cash , all amounting to more than RM300++ k. And imagine the amount of money spent on producing such a show.
On the other hand we have a 12 year old indian girl who takes a 1.5 hour walk to school every morning and who studies at night using the lamp post outside her house. (She managed to score straight As for her UPSR by the way). RM300++k would have gone a LONG way for her.
And what about the orang Asli settlement issue not too long ago. Forgot the details but the gist of it was that they had no proper satination, electricity and they actually bathe in water that has rubbish floating in it! Kids there are not provided with proper education and food.
What about the countless homes and shelters around the country that RM300k could have provided them with?
So what now? Make the most cantik one sell her condo and donate to charity?
Nola, my point is that better use could have been done with that money. Instead of producing some show that "defines" what is deemed as beautiful.
And don't even get me started on that RM1.5 m painting that someone from some airline company purchased. That would cause me to bash even more.
After all this, the saddest part is that i am actually going to watch MMB til the very end.
Someone please smack me.
But anyway, as of last night, there were 4 contestants left.
Ah heck la i'm gonna bash. It's not 2006 yet. I have 2 days left to do so.
Jessy - the ahlian who is quite funny sometimes- other times, she's just so, ditzy and a bit tak sedar diri?
Faridah- mature woman who is well, erm ...matured
Hani - nice girl next door type but a bit lembik
Jue - NOT a very good representation of a Malaysian muslim female.
Oklah, actually it's not the contestants that i am bashing about. They are what they are.
Isn't it sad that the person who will win this contest will ultimately be THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN in Malaysia?
I shudder to think that one of the four will be the most cantik one inside and outside.
For example, if Jue wins, her fans/friends/supporters will of course say that she won because of her beauty, talent, warmth etc.
But on the other hand, she's a muslim for God's sake. Sudah la tak tutup aurat, she was practically prancing around last night and shaking her booty, until my bf actually commented that she was trying to show off her boobs! That does not make her beautiful from a religious point of view. And i'm not even a muslim some more!
So how the hell do we define beauty? No one can specifically pin point and draw a guideline as to what is beautiful or not.
To think that the winner will get a condo, jewellery and cash , all amounting to more than RM300++ k. And imagine the amount of money spent on producing such a show.
On the other hand we have a 12 year old indian girl who takes a 1.5 hour walk to school every morning and who studies at night using the lamp post outside her house. (She managed to score straight As for her UPSR by the way). RM300++k would have gone a LONG way for her.
And what about the orang Asli settlement issue not too long ago. Forgot the details but the gist of it was that they had no proper satination, electricity and they actually bathe in water that has rubbish floating in it! Kids there are not provided with proper education and food.
What about the countless homes and shelters around the country that RM300k could have provided them with?
So what now? Make the most cantik one sell her condo and donate to charity?
Nola, my point is that better use could have been done with that money. Instead of producing some show that "defines" what is deemed as beautiful.
And don't even get me started on that RM1.5 m painting that someone from some airline company purchased. That would cause me to bash even more.
After all this, the saddest part is that i am actually going to watch MMB til the very end.
Someone please smack me.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
2006 New Year's Resolution
1-Achieve my financial target (i.e getting filthy rich-yea rite!)
2-Reduce people bashing, unless they piss me off or they are just so plain stupid, don't get me wrong, not intellectually stupid but stupid as in "what the hell was he/she thinking" kind of stupid. Someone said that i will not last one week on this resolution. YOU SHALL SEE!
3-Reduce the amount of items that I can possibly destroy. As of today i have:
#1- destroyed my kancil's cassete player
#2- destroyed my sister's washing machine
#3- did some kind of harm to sis and BIL(Brother-In-Law)'s vacuum cleaner-i can't remember what
#4- almost burn down sis and BIL's kitchen...thank God the only thing that got burnt was her kitchen paper holder....and also that thing that covers the stove
#5- caused a doorknob in their house to malfunction
#6- killed BIL's carkeys-TWICE. Those keys are too canggih for my liking. Not my fault!
#7- scratched BIL's car.
#8- scratched dad's car (he doesn't know about it yet, LOL! Well if he has not noticed anything since last time, why tell him now?)
#9- broke brother's rear view mirror (i wanted to check myself out before driving, is that such a crime? His mirror is OLD ok, OLD and crackly)
#10- destroyed my so called hot and cold water storage thingy. It now dispenses room temprature water.
#11- broke a piece off my printer cartridge and it obviously cannot function now. Thank God it's not the original, but STILL! RM65 ok!
#12- room lights. Some ENGINEER blamed it on my wet fingers whenever i switch off the lights.
#13- broke my shower head thingy
Will update this list when i remember more. The phrase "What have you broken this time?" is so overused on me, i swear it doesn't have any effect on me anymore.
Okay back to my resolutions.
4-Have sex.
HAHA! Gotcha!
Nola, seriously.
4-Be a 3D Artist God. Make my renderings look so real that people will have to look twice to see if it's a photo or a fabricated image.
Now that's more achievable.
5-Do something about my wardrobe so that clients wont see me as a kid/aunty.
I think i shall stop at 5.
Okay an incident that just occured 5 minutes ago while i was typing this make me wanna add another one.
6-Learn mandarin. Good enough for me to be able to carry a decent conversation with a hawker seller without having them ask whether i'm chinese. I'm STRAITS BORN btw. But no point of explaining your whole background when all u wanna do is get a plate of wantan mee right?
Anyway, what incident , u may ask?
I answered the office telephone as the admin lady was busy on the other line.
Me:Good morning, XX XXX
Caller: hiofgsrhnfsoncslkc Ms. J (mandarin)
Me: I'm sorry Ms. J is engaged on the other line. Can I take a message please?
Caller: oh , ianlkncaj (mandarin) pao ping ,wo hhfeowhfioasjnfcoe(mandarin) interview
Me: Okay, wo ken ta qiang wen ta call ni ok? Ni shi sen me ming?
Caller: (Brief pause)...errr....Pao Ping.
Me: (Embarassed) Oh ok ok. Hehe.
Caller: (damn banana!)
(grey fonts to indicate my greyness in what was being said)
(i assumed about that banana bit)
Oklah, 6 new year resolutions. Wish me luck!
1-Achieve my financial target (i.e getting filthy rich-yea rite!)
2-Reduce people bashing, unless they piss me off or they are just so plain stupid, don't get me wrong, not intellectually stupid but stupid as in "what the hell was he/she thinking" kind of stupid. Someone said that i will not last one week on this resolution. YOU SHALL SEE!
3-Reduce the amount of items that I can possibly destroy. As of today i have:
#1- destroyed my kancil's cassete player
#2- destroyed my sister's washing machine
#3- did some kind of harm to sis and BIL(Brother-In-Law)'s vacuum cleaner-i can't remember what
#4- almost burn down sis and BIL's kitchen...thank God the only thing that got burnt was her kitchen paper holder....and also that thing that covers the stove
#5- caused a doorknob in their house to malfunction
#6- killed BIL's carkeys-TWICE. Those keys are too canggih for my liking. Not my fault!
#7- scratched BIL's car.
#8- scratched dad's car (he doesn't know about it yet, LOL! Well if he has not noticed anything since last time, why tell him now?)
#9- broke brother's rear view mirror (i wanted to check myself out before driving, is that such a crime? His mirror is OLD ok, OLD and crackly)
#10- destroyed my so called hot and cold water storage thingy. It now dispenses room temprature water.
#11- broke a piece off my printer cartridge and it obviously cannot function now. Thank God it's not the original, but STILL! RM65 ok!
#12- room lights. Some ENGINEER blamed it on my wet fingers whenever i switch off the lights.
#13- broke my shower head thingy
Will update this list when i remember more. The phrase "What have you broken this time?" is so overused on me, i swear it doesn't have any effect on me anymore.
Okay back to my resolutions.
4-Have sex.
HAHA! Gotcha!
Nola, seriously.
4-Be a 3D Artist God. Make my renderings look so real that people will have to look twice to see if it's a photo or a fabricated image.
Now that's more achievable.
5-Do something about my wardrobe so that clients wont see me as a kid/aunty.
I think i shall stop at 5.
Okay an incident that just occured 5 minutes ago while i was typing this make me wanna add another one.
6-Learn mandarin. Good enough for me to be able to carry a decent conversation with a hawker seller without having them ask whether i'm chinese. I'm STRAITS BORN btw. But no point of explaining your whole background when all u wanna do is get a plate of wantan mee right?
Anyway, what incident , u may ask?
I answered the office telephone as the admin lady was busy on the other line.
Me:Good morning, XX XXX
Caller: hiofgsrhnfsoncslkc Ms. J (mandarin)
Me: I'm sorry Ms. J is engaged on the other line. Can I take a message please?
Caller: oh , ianlkncaj (mandarin) pao ping ,wo hhfeowhfioasjnfcoe(mandarin) interview
Me: Okay, wo ken ta qiang wen ta call ni ok? Ni shi sen me ming?
Caller: (Brief pause)...errr....Pao Ping.
Me: (Embarassed) Oh ok ok. Hehe.
Caller: (damn banana!)
(grey fonts to indicate my greyness in what was being said)
(i assumed about that banana bit)
Oklah, 6 new year resolutions. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
2005-The year in review
What I've done (OMG what have i done?!?!)
1-Changed jobs. No, switched careers would be a better word.
3-Got my hair straightened.
4-Got my hair chopped off.
5-Got my passport renewed (i can now legally travel to Timbuktu).
6-Became an aunt-TWICE.
7-Watched the break up of a union that was caused by me.
8-Bought a car.
Just suddenly had a feeling that this is gonna be one heck of a boring entry. So i might as well stop now.
What I've done (OMG what have i done?!?!)
1-Changed jobs. No, switched careers would be a better word.
3-Got my hair straightened.
4-Got my hair chopped off.
5-Got my passport renewed (i can now legally travel to Timbuktu).
6-Became an aunt-TWICE.
7-Watched the break up of a union that was caused by me.
8-Bought a car.
Just suddenly had a feeling that this is gonna be one heck of a boring entry. So i might as well stop now.
Friday, December 23, 2005
The office is so freaking cold that i have to resort to blogging to keep my fingers from getting all stiff. I don't want my just recently painted pink fingernails go to waste because the fingers died rite? Then it wouldn't be pink anymore. It will be purple (dead fingers-blue....blue and pink makes purple). So I have to type furiously to keep warm. (Furious not because i am typing fast, furious because i AM literally furious at myself from geeting so manyy typiing errorrs as an akibat from frozen finmgers)
Current task at hand only needs me to click the mouse. So after a short period of time i would find that the only thing about me that is alive is my right index finger. (and my brain, of course)
And there's no one on msn to chat with. Well at least, no one interesting enough. All the interesting ones are either:
1-Shopping in GIANT with kids
2-Running around in the office/factory
3-Attending some kind of makan for xmas or something
Ok now, what shall i blog about?
That was just my fingers doing some random typing. Was static too long and i HAD to do something right?
Okay, maybe i should compose a poem.
Satu, dua kucing berlari
Mana sama si kucing belang
....mana boleh ku cari
ALLRIGHT i admit i took it from somewhere (and i kinda forgot some of the lines).
Oh God i'm depressingly pathetic.
Nevermind i shall try to compose a song.
ooooo.......well well.....du du du du du
oooo.....well well...du du du du du
woman...please let me explain.....
i never meant to cause u sorrow and pain....
Allright, so that is not my composition. That was John Lennon's Woman. I can't help it. I'm listening to it now.
Oklah shall go back to mouse clicking. At least ONE finger will still be kept alive.
Current task at hand only needs me to click the mouse. So after a short period of time i would find that the only thing about me that is alive is my right index finger. (and my brain, of course)
And there's no one on msn to chat with. Well at least, no one interesting enough. All the interesting ones are either:
1-Shopping in GIANT with kids
2-Running around in the office/factory
3-Attending some kind of makan for xmas or something
Ok now, what shall i blog about?
That was just my fingers doing some random typing. Was static too long and i HAD to do something right?
Okay, maybe i should compose a poem.
Satu, dua kucing berlari
Mana sama si kucing belang
....mana boleh ku cari
ALLRIGHT i admit i took it from somewhere (and i kinda forgot some of the lines).
Oh God i'm depressingly pathetic.
Nevermind i shall try to compose a song.
ooooo.......well well.....du du du du du
oooo.....well well...du du du du du
woman...please let me explain.....
i never meant to cause u sorrow and pain....
Allright, so that is not my composition. That was John Lennon's Woman. I can't help it. I'm listening to it now.
Oklah shall go back to mouse clicking. At least ONE finger will still be kept alive.
Am happily typing away from the office (immediate superior has gone back Down Under for Xmas, hehe) with my pretty pink nails adorned with tiny, shiny flowers(thank u che-che!)....yes i'm ready for Christmas!
Came into the office today and was pleasantly surprised to receive a little gift from a colleague....that sweet guy actually wrapped little presents for everyone in the office (thank God for small offices).....i got a little Sweet Heart Hound which says Too Cute to Care! And yes, it's is so adorably cute! Everyone's in such a christmassy mood now......and to top it off, my xmas gift for myself has arrived! My Cute Little Kelisa (CLK for short) ahah! (thanks to daddy for chasing after the car lady to get my car ready in less than two weeks!)....
Chrismas Wish List:
2-Fake hamster (ok i already have one fake one but Pellet is lonely!)
5-Desperate Housewives season 2
6-Cute gardener (so what if i only have ONE plant to care for)
Hmm....only 6 items on my wishlist? Im such an undemanding person.
After all, i already have so many other things that i did not demand for, yet been blessed with.
Loving family, good friends, health, a stable job, and of course, a driver/bouncer/partner.
OKAY i shall narrow my list down to:
1-Cute gardener
Merry Christmas 2005 everyone!
Came into the office today and was pleasantly surprised to receive a little gift from a colleague....that sweet guy actually wrapped little presents for everyone in the office (thank God for small offices).....i got a little Sweet Heart Hound which says Too Cute to Care! And yes, it's is so adorably cute! Everyone's in such a christmassy mood now......and to top it off, my xmas gift for myself has arrived! My Cute Little Kelisa (CLK for short) ahah! (thanks to daddy for chasing after the car lady to get my car ready in less than two weeks!)....
Chrismas Wish List:
2-Fake hamster (ok i already have one fake one but Pellet is lonely!)
5-Desperate Housewives season 2
6-Cute gardener (so what if i only have ONE plant to care for)
Hmm....only 6 items on my wishlist? Im such an undemanding person.
After all, i already have so many other things that i did not demand for, yet been blessed with.
Loving family, good friends, health, a stable job, and of course, a driver/bouncer/partner.
OKAY i shall narrow my list down to:
1-Cute gardener
Merry Christmas 2005 everyone!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Made a trip to Spore last Sat. Main agenda: Midnight Sale at Suntec.
Time: 3 something pm
Venue: 2nd Link
me: we cepat-cepat go and then come back around 8 or 9 something la eh
designated driver for the day (DDFTD): ok
Time: 4 something pm
Venue: IMM Building
DDFTF: i wanna pee la, we stop awhile ok...u wanna wait in the car or wat?
me: i'll wait in the car....no i think i'll follow u
(half an hour later...)
DDFTF: come let's go
me: ok.....eh wait i wanna go into bossini....and then i wanna check out that perfume shop
(15 minutes later...)
designated driver for the day turned bouncer (DDFTDTB) drags me away into the car
me: but i havent seen that accesorries shop...!!!!
Time: 5 something
Venue: IKEA
DDFTDTB: okla we shop til around 7.30 then go suntec
me: ok (keeping fingers crossed.....it's IKEA....there is NEVER enough time)
Time: 7 something
Venue: Still at IKEA
DDFTDTB: u hungry?
me: not really (eyes focussing on IKEA item #590658)
DDFTDTB: wanna eat in suntec or here?
me: anything also can (eyes focussing on IKEA item #590659)
DDFTDTB: okla we eat here
me: ah huh (eyes focussing on IKEA item #590660)
IKEA cafe was so crowded, we had to share tables with two other couples....(yes The Driver/Bouncer was THAT hungry, he seemed unfocused on anything else)...the young chickadee in front of me was so chickadee, so "teh" some more, we almost puked....and her equally young bf ate so much, i almost puked even more...okla it wasn't really like that....it was just that the young chickadee talked in a very childish manner la....(made me feel old, made me wanna puke more...hahah)
So then we FINALLY made it to suntec.
Time: 8 something
Venue: Suntec
me: OMG sales everywhere!!
DDFTDTB: i wanna look for lacoste
me: OMG sales everywhere!!
Time: 10 something
Venue: Still at Suntec (mango)
DDFTDTB (happyly with lacoste baju) : eh ur uncle punya project ..... can habis ar?
me: nevermind can kautim one ..eh this skirt nice eh.....
Time: 10 something
Venue: Still at Suntec (mango changing room)
me: aaaahhhh!!!! dammit! stupid skirt so big!!!!
Time: 10 something
Venue: Still at Suntec (outside mango changing room)
me: u think i have enough time til chinese new year to put on weight to fit into this skirt?
DDFTDTB: don't siao ah
Time: 11 something
Venue: Still at Suntec
DDFTDTB (not so happy with lacoste baju) : eh 11 something already...
me: i know...wait i wanna look for shoes
DDFTDTB: eh thirsty la....
me: ....
Time: 12 something
Venue: Still at Suntec
me: eeyer why the shops closing already?!
DDFTDTB: we'll come again next week la ok.... (looks faint and pale)
Anyway, hasil pencarian from all that shopping = one brown BUM blouse which i didn't even try (too many people trying to get a look at me queing up at the changing room) which marvelously fitted me so well (if it didn't fit, i'd probably clobber DDFTDTB for making me not try).
The best part was, the cute cashier guy with nice strong arms flirted with me! It has been quite awhile since i last flirted with anyone/anything of any gender/race/shape/size/colour/species.
him: is that all? (smiling with all that glorious white teeth)
me: yea (noticing his glorious white teeth)
him: would you like the whole shop to go as well? (packing my blouse with his Brad Pitt' TROY-like hands)
me: hahah, no thank you! (gasping in awe at TROY-like hands)
him: haha! (teeth again)
me: haha
him: can i have your number?
Too bad flirting session with cute cashier guy with nice strong arms had to abruptly end with the appearance of Designated Driver For The Day Turned Bouncer Part Time Boyfriend. SIGH.
Ok ok i made that number bit up.
Time: 3 something pm
Venue: 2nd Link
me: we cepat-cepat go and then come back around 8 or 9 something la eh
designated driver for the day (DDFTD): ok
Time: 4 something pm
Venue: IMM Building
DDFTF: i wanna pee la, we stop awhile ok...u wanna wait in the car or wat?
me: i'll wait in the car....no i think i'll follow u
(half an hour later...)
DDFTF: come let's go
me: ok.....eh wait i wanna go into bossini....and then i wanna check out that perfume shop
(15 minutes later...)
designated driver for the day turned bouncer (DDFTDTB) drags me away into the car
me: but i havent seen that accesorries shop...!!!!
Time: 5 something
Venue: IKEA
DDFTDTB: okla we shop til around 7.30 then go suntec
me: ok (keeping fingers crossed.....it's IKEA....there is NEVER enough time)
Time: 7 something
Venue: Still at IKEA
DDFTDTB: u hungry?
me: not really (eyes focussing on IKEA item #590658)
DDFTDTB: wanna eat in suntec or here?
me: anything also can (eyes focussing on IKEA item #590659)
DDFTDTB: okla we eat here
me: ah huh (eyes focussing on IKEA item #590660)
IKEA cafe was so crowded, we had to share tables with two other couples....(yes The Driver/Bouncer was THAT hungry, he seemed unfocused on anything else)...the young chickadee in front of me was so chickadee, so "teh" some more, we almost puked....and her equally young bf ate so much, i almost puked even more...okla it wasn't really like that....it was just that the young chickadee talked in a very childish manner la....(made me feel old, made me wanna puke more...hahah)
So then we FINALLY made it to suntec.
Time: 8 something
Venue: Suntec
me: OMG sales everywhere!!
DDFTDTB: i wanna look for lacoste
me: OMG sales everywhere!!
Time: 10 something
Venue: Still at Suntec (mango)
DDFTDTB (happyly with lacoste baju) : eh ur uncle punya project ..... can habis ar?
me: nevermind can kautim one ..eh this skirt nice eh.....
Time: 10 something
Venue: Still at Suntec (mango changing room)
me: aaaahhhh!!!! dammit! stupid skirt so big!!!!
Time: 10 something
Venue: Still at Suntec (outside mango changing room)
me: u think i have enough time til chinese new year to put on weight to fit into this skirt?
DDFTDTB: don't siao ah
Time: 11 something
Venue: Still at Suntec
DDFTDTB (not so happy with lacoste baju) : eh 11 something already...
me: i know...wait i wanna look for shoes
DDFTDTB: eh thirsty la....
me: ....
Time: 12 something
Venue: Still at Suntec
me: eeyer why the shops closing already?!
DDFTDTB: we'll come again next week la ok.... (looks faint and pale)
Anyway, hasil pencarian from all that shopping = one brown BUM blouse which i didn't even try (too many people trying to get a look at me queing up at the changing room) which marvelously fitted me so well (if it didn't fit, i'd probably clobber DDFTDTB for making me not try).
The best part was, the cute cashier guy with nice strong arms flirted with me! It has been quite awhile since i last flirted with anyone/anything of any gender/race/shape/size/colour/species.
him: is that all? (smiling with all that glorious white teeth)
me: yea (noticing his glorious white teeth)
him: would you like the whole shop to go as well? (packing my blouse with his Brad Pitt' TROY-like hands)
me: hahah, no thank you! (gasping in awe at TROY-like hands)
him: haha! (teeth again)
me: haha
him: can i have your number?
Too bad flirting session with cute cashier guy with nice strong arms had to abruptly end with the appearance of Designated Driver For The Day Turned Bouncer Part Time Boyfriend. SIGH.
Ok ok i made that number bit up.
Friday, December 16, 2005
You Are 60% Weird |
![]() |
How Weird Are You?
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Just got out from my employee evaluation chat with MD and my immediate superior.
I feel so damn guilty. They think I'm good.
Me: Konichiwa
MD: Konichiwa
Superior: Haha
MD: @%$%^#^#$^@$#@% (Japanese)
Superior: So, you have been with us for half a year...bla bla
(dull and boring conversation follows)
MD: @#$@%%$ ? (Japanese)
Superior: Have you got anything to ask or say?
Me: I think I've not contributed enough (unless you count surfing and bitching on msn as part of my job description)
Superior: %$^%$^&** (Japanese)
MD: $^%$&$&@ haha #&^%^&^&%$ haha (Japanese with laughing)
Superior: Haha, don't worry we think you're already doing an excellent job over here.
Me: Thank you (smiling and blushing guiltily)
But anyway, thanks to a certain online tomodachi of mine who brought me back to reality soon after.
YoursCynically says:
so hows eval?
me says:
half of the time it was in japanese
me says:
me says:
but anyway
me says:
they think im doinga good job wor....(which makes me feel even more guilty)
me says:
told them i didnt feel tht i was contributing enough, but having a pleasant time in the office bla bla all tht shit la
YoursCynically says:
biasa lah
me says:
YoursCynically says:
small comp
YoursCynically says:
no nothing
YoursCynically says:
no worries
me says:
my heart was pounding hard
me says:
me says:
didnt hv evaluation in old comp
YoursCynically says:
YoursCynically says:
nothing to it
YoursCynically says:
chinaman comp
me says:
nomah first evaluation in my life
YoursCynically says:
dont expect anything
me says:
which one chinaman? old or new?
YoursCynically says:
u have been eval all your life
YoursCynically says:
std 1
me says:
YoursCynically says:
kebersihan: a
YoursCynically says:
kelakuan: a-
me says:
this is first WORK evaluation la.....
me says:
Well this has been a good day, I guess.
Some more tonight gonna print my toilet design competition for submission tomorrow. Woo-hoo!
I hope I win something.
Then I'm so gonna be obscenely, fantastically and marvelously rich and famous!
I feel so damn guilty. They think I'm good.
Me: Konichiwa
MD: Konichiwa
Superior: Haha
MD: @%$%^#^#$^@$#@% (Japanese)
Superior: So, you have been with us for half a year...bla bla
(dull and boring conversation follows)
MD: @#$@%%$ ? (Japanese)
Superior: Have you got anything to ask or say?
Me: I think I've not contributed enough (unless you count surfing and bitching on msn as part of my job description)
Superior: %$^%$^&** (Japanese)
MD: $^%$&$&@ haha #&^%^&^&%$ haha (Japanese with laughing)
Superior: Haha, don't worry we think you're already doing an excellent job over here.
Me: Thank you (smiling and blushing guiltily)
But anyway, thanks to a certain online tomodachi of mine who brought me back to reality soon after.
YoursCynically says:
so hows eval?
me says:
half of the time it was in japanese
me says:
me says:
but anyway
me says:
they think im doinga good job wor....(which makes me feel even more guilty)
me says:
told them i didnt feel tht i was contributing enough, but having a pleasant time in the office bla bla all tht shit la
YoursCynically says:
biasa lah
me says:
YoursCynically says:
small comp
YoursCynically says:
no nothing
YoursCynically says:
no worries
me says:
my heart was pounding hard
me says:
me says:
didnt hv evaluation in old comp
YoursCynically says:
YoursCynically says:
nothing to it
YoursCynically says:
chinaman comp
me says:
nomah first evaluation in my life
YoursCynically says:
dont expect anything
me says:
which one chinaman? old or new?
YoursCynically says:
u have been eval all your life
YoursCynically says:
std 1
me says:
YoursCynically says:
kebersihan: a
YoursCynically says:
kelakuan: a-
me says:
this is first WORK evaluation la.....
me says:
Well this has been a good day, I guess.
Some more tonight gonna print my toilet design competition for submission tomorrow. Woo-hoo!
I hope I win something.
Then I'm so gonna be obscenely, fantastically and marvelously rich and famous!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Sold my mousedeer to get a fish.....a new fish....a new silver fish to be exact.
(mousedeer=kancil, fish=kelisa)
Top eight reasons why I chose The Fish:
2-Big cars and me do not go well. I think I am better off driving something small and harmless. Kononnya, people say I tend to drive/park as though I am riding a motorbike. (You DO NOT know me THAT well, hmph!)
5-Myvi looks ugly from the inside. I cannot live with ugliness. That's why I choose not to look at myself in the mirror every morning. (Ok I'm just being dramatic here)
7-Cheap (DAMN the gahmen, why are cars so ridiculously expensive in this part of the world?!)
8-I'm running out of reasons. Oh yea, my mousedeer was getting old (and cranky!). Had to faster faster sell it off before it gets worthless (and crankier).
Despite its crankiness, it was kinda sad for me to part with it. After all, it has gone through some pretty traumatic and magical rides with me all the way from KL to Malacca to JB.
Anyway, the car dealer told me not to worry as I will forget about The Mousedeer as soon as i get The Fish. Hey, I'm not THAT flimsy ok. I am a sentimental kind of girl. Loyal. Faithful. (gag...snort...choke)
By the way, The Fish comes with a CD player, powered windows and power steering! Yea I know, WHICH CAR IN THIS ERA DOESN'T HAVE THOSE? (can't i rejoice at the little things in life?)
Oklah, gotta pee.
(mousedeer=kancil, fish=kelisa)
Top eight reasons why I chose The Fish:
2-Big cars and me do not go well. I think I am better off driving something small and harmless. Kononnya, people say I tend to drive/park as though I am riding a motorbike. (You DO NOT know me THAT well, hmph!)
5-Myvi looks ugly from the inside. I cannot live with ugliness. That's why I choose not to look at myself in the mirror every morning. (Ok I'm just being dramatic here)
7-Cheap (DAMN the gahmen, why are cars so ridiculously expensive in this part of the world?!)
8-I'm running out of reasons. Oh yea, my mousedeer was getting old (and cranky!). Had to faster faster sell it off before it gets worthless (and crankier).
Despite its crankiness, it was kinda sad for me to part with it. After all, it has gone through some pretty traumatic and magical rides with me all the way from KL to Malacca to JB.
Anyway, the car dealer told me not to worry as I will forget about The Mousedeer as soon as i get The Fish. Hey, I'm not THAT flimsy ok. I am a sentimental kind of girl. Loyal. Faithful. (gag...snort...choke)
By the way, The Fish comes with a CD player, powered windows and power steering! Yea I know, WHICH CAR IN THIS ERA DOESN'T HAVE THOSE? (can't i rejoice at the little things in life?)
Oklah, gotta pee.